Monday, October 17, 2011

promptings of the spirit

{thought id share part of my  my sisters email today. im so grateful for her serving a mission right now she is such a great example to me!}
 this week was pretty interesting haha, since the summer is coming on, lots of different types of bugs are now flourishing haha, and since there are so many stray animals here especially dogs, there are a lot of fleas....i have been getting eaten alive! i first thought that it was mosquitos but the mission presidents wife saw the bites and said they were too many to be mosquitos and gave me something to spray my bedding with...apparently the fleas are everywhere and we track them into the house on our clothes and backpacks etc...but, all in all, even tho i hate fleas, i learned a lesson from them the other day... since i was finally aware of what was biting me, i took all my bedding off and sent them to get washed (which was a pain cause to wash two loads of laundry it was 20 dollars) and they were too big to wash by hand or i would have done it! i will never take a washer and a dryer for granted again..
.anyways lets just say its really hard to wash things here, and my bedding never got washed, but i knew i needed to because of the i sent it anyways... they come and pick up the clothes on their  moto and then deliver it to the house...its was really nice to sleep with clean bedding for the first time in like a year, it was one of the happiest moments of my life...and i am not joking. and since then, i have been super ocd about not touching my bed or going near it until everythings put away and i´m showered and not covered in the dirt from the streets...anyways, i was about to sit down one day, and i wanted to read a little bit so i grabbed my backpack and was about to put it on my bed without thinking, then suddenly i thought...¨no there are fleas on your backpack!¨ so i took it to the other room not expecting to see anything but trying to avoid them...and, what do i find fleas!  it was the first time that id actually seen them, and that we really do tract them into the house from being in the street all day...your probably wondering why i´m just rambling on about fleas this week, but really you have to understand what a struggle it was getting my bedding washed, and i had to wait days to get it back, so i slept with al my sweat shirts on so i wouldnt get cold. so when i suddenly was prompted to check my backpack i saw the flea and avoided having placed it in my clean may seem trivial, but i know that it was the Spirit that even in this small instance prompted me not to bring the backpack near my bed, which i almost did without thinking...and i had been searching for fleas before, and couldnt believe that they were really there because i´d never seen a single one, but right as i was about to throw them onto my bed, i was saved! i am grateful that the Spirit really does prompt us on things that are important to us! it protected me! i had been getting so many bites it looked like chicken pocks! and since then i havent really gotten bitten...the point i am trying to make is that we need to do everything we can to live worthy of the guidance of the spirit, and follow the guidance when it comes...anything that we think, do, or say that is negative or will drive the Spirit away we need to stop doing. when we make an effort to live worthy it will always guide us especially in the day to day things. i know that Heavenly Father really loves us and that if we are worthy of the companionship of the Spirit, we can accomplish amazing things, and we avoid painful consequences...i would have had i not listened to a simple warning to move my backpack..imagine the messes we´d all avoid if we followed the Spirit in every major decision, and didn`t disregard a simple prompting.
here are a few pics as well of our we played soccer and ate chivitos!
love, hermana moyes
My Sister Gioia is the one on the far right. haha i love how short her companion is.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Look Forward to Your Future

You must learn to “trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5). You must be trustworthy and surround yourself with friends that desire to be likewise.
Sometimes you might be tempted to think as I did from time to time in my youth: “The way things are going, the world’s going to be over with. The end of the world is going to come before I get to where I should be.” Not so! You can look forward to doing it right—getting married, having a family, seeing your children and grandchildren, maybe even great-grandchildren.
If you will follow these principles, you will be watched over and protected and you yourself will know by the promptings of the Holy Ghost which way to go, for “by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things” (Moroni 10:5). I promise you that it will be so.

-Boyd K. Packer

Sunday, October 9, 2011

You Are Not Forgotten

"As a child, when I would look at the little forget-me-nots, I sometimes felt a little like that flower—small and very insignificant. I wondered if I would be forgotten by my family or by my Heavenly Father.
Years later I can look back on that young boy with tenderness and compassion. And I do know now—I was never forgotten.
And I know something else: . . . as an Apostle of our Master, Jesus Christ, I proclaim with all the certainty and conviction of my heart—neither are you!
You are not forgotten.
Wherever you are, whatever the circumstances may be, you are not forgotten. No matter how dark your days may seem, no matter how insignificant you may feel, no matter how overshadowed you think you may be, your Heavenly Father has not forgotten you. In fact, He loves you with an infinite love.
Just think of it: You are known and remembered by the most majestic, powerful, and glorious Being in the universe! You are loved by the King of infinite space and everlasting time!"

-Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I learned how to french braid and fishtail braid today @ school! It was harder than i thought. But i can finally do it :) I still need lots of practice though. but im just glad i can finally do it even if its not perfect.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Monday, September 26, 2011


so ill admit it. 
im a horrible blogger.
i haven't blogged in ages. 
i miss blogging.
so since i haven't been on in forever here's a quick update on my life right now:
i started cosmetology school @ the DATC. and i absolutely love it.ive made soo many new freinds. i just love everything about it so far. and ive basically gotten 100% on every test we have so far, its amazing. i think it was meant to be cause ive never done this well on tests ever.Im  still working at Payless  and still hate it. ha. trying to look for a new job. hopefully ill get a new one soon. cause as much as i love shoes, i have the most boringest job ever. i literally get paid to do nothing. 99.99% of the time i do nothing. no joke. most people would love that to but not me cause i have to work alone so dont even have anyone to talk to either .so i hope i get a new job soon!  my sister gioia comes home from her mission in 3 months! i still cant believe shes been gone for 15 months already. time is just flying by! my best friend kayla labrecque. well now kayla black. is now married! she had a wonderful wedding. im soo happy for her and carson and am happy that they were able to get married in the temple to be sealed for eternity. i started to go to institute and am loving it, even though its at 8am bright and early. it has been really helping me out alot. and the days i dont want to go are the days that i needed to go the most. i am grateful for institute. even though our class may be small i still love it. im currently going to my singles ward here in layton...and ive been in it for almost a year now...and i still dont even know everyone..i know pathetic..i need to work on being more social. but i did finally get a calling. im a visiting teaching supervisor or something like that ha. there are a few cute boys in my ward :P. but still no boy in my life right now. maybe one day. hopefully soon ehh?;) well thats about all thats going on in my life right now. 
i will try to work on my blogging more often.
good night. :)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Friday, July 15, 2011

st. george. vegas. lake mead.

savannah & daniel's wedding!

so i finally got around to posting some pictures of my sisters wedding which was in im a little behind...oh well. here are a few.

everyone @ the wedding

mom & sisters minus gioia whos on her mission in uruguay

i made their name tag thing for them

the cake! super cute!

the headbands i made for all the girls to wear. they turned out pretty cute.

little bro caught the gardner haha funny kid.

leaving to their limo!

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Can officially check mowing the lawn off off my list!
I've always wanted to do it and i finally got to do it today haha.
Everyone says they hate mowing the lawn, so i had to experience it for myself cause i always thought it looked like fun and it couldn't be that I did it... and it wasn't that bad at all. I think i did pretty good for my very first time.